Monday, July 31, 2017

Writing Update

Well... It finally happened. Bell Mort convinced me to start writing her story. Now, I know Lucy isn't done yet, but that's how most of my stories have worked out. I started writing a different one and the one I was currently working on wants to move again. So, I figured if I start Bell than Lucy will want to finish and it's a win-win situation. LOL, I sure hope so.

   Keep On Being Awesome,

Friday, July 28, 2017

Life Update 7.28.17

So this week hasn't been too crazy but I have made some major progress in how my new room looks.
 Monday, I went to an appointment that I was supposed to go to on Tuesday. *faceplam* but they were nice enough to get me in that day instead of making me come back the next day. Then I went home and got a text asking if I'd work that night instead of Thursday night. I agreed (naturally) and then went into work. But they didn't have the stuff I was supposed to slice yet so I did a few things and waited in the car until the stuff got there. Once it FINALLY arrived, I got it sliced up and went home.
  Tuesday, I spent most of the day at home then went into work, got my paycheck, put it in the bank, then came back to work and sliced everything I had to slice.
   Wednesday, I woke up to poop all over my floor and poor Mickey looking for another spot to poop. Poor thing had diarrhea and there was blood in it. So, mom and I took the poor baby to the vet, and then I hurried into work. At work the day shift went well and I got some cheese sliced. The night shift was a WHOLE NOTHER STORY. The one coworker that really annoys me was there and she wouldn't quit bickering with anyone and everyone. So, I managed to get all 6 boxes of cheese sliced that day (because I was mad) and then sliced the lettuce and went home.
  Yesterday, I went to Bible Study in the morning, then came home and got all the boxes unpacked and rearranged that were in my room. Then, I took my meds way too early and crashed at about 9:30pm.
  Needless to say I woke up early this morning, (which I needed to do anyways) and went and got my hair cut. Which made me very happy. :) Now, I am probably going to post this and go do some more work in my room. (YAY!)

   Keep on Being Awesome,

Friday, July 21, 2017

Life Update 7.21.17

Okay. So this week was definitely less hectic than last week but it was still pretty full.
Monday, I spent the day  picking up my old room and taking the last of it to the new house.
 Tuesday, I spent most of the day relaxing then I went and picked up my paycheck and went to work.
 Wednesday, I relaxed for the morning then went to work and had a glorious time keeping up with my empathic abilities. Which were going haywire due to the fire across from where I work the night before.
  Yesterday, I went to Bible study in the morning then went home, picked up Simi and took her to the vet for a bump on her side that we noticed on Tuesday night. Then I took her home, fed her her pills with a piece of Zucchini bread, and hurried off to work.
 Today, I went tho counseling in the morning, and am going to work later today.

   Keep on Being Awesome,

Monday, July 17, 2017

Lucy Update

So, Lucy has been going fairly well lately, and I am finally on to chapter 11! AH! It's been so nice lately to be able to write when I am feeling stressed.
  Which has been happening a lot lately, so yeah. That's been happening and I got nothing else to say... wow... this is awkward.

   Keep on being Awesome,

Friday, July 14, 2017

Life Update 7.14.17

So this week is all about me packing and getting my stuff over to the new house before Saturday which is when we will officially start living over there. YAY!
  Sunday I spent the day relaxing at home which was nice and calming. Monday, I spent the day packing and taking things over to the new house, plus I went through some things that desperately needed to be gone through. And I pitched some more things, as well as packed up my stand where all my crystals usually go.
 Tuesday, I went over to the new house with yet another load of stuff from my room, then I went to get my paycheck, put it in the bank, and came home to relax until work.
 Wednesday, I had an interesting day. I relaxed for a little while and then went over to work.
 Yesterday, I packed and then went to pick up my car from the shop because it desperately needed to be fixed. Today, I am taking stuff over to the house on and off all day, and we are getting our Hughs Net over at the new house today, so I kind of have to be there by five. AH!!! So, we are officially moved into the new house tomorrow, so I kind of have a lot to do. :( OH! And to top everything off my left heel hurts to go up and down stairs. *Sigh* Will this nightmare ever end?

  Keep Being Awesome,

Monday, July 10, 2017

Writing/ Mental health update

Surprising my mental health hasn't been too bad this week. I actually had a psyche appointment on Thursday and it went very well. I even got into Jamestown way early so I got to dip my feet into the lake. It was GREAT!

  Lucy is actually doing really well, and I have been writing quite a bit more than I have the passed few weeks, and I can say that after a cute interaction between Kris, Lucy and Sab the chapter will be COMPLETE!!!! Yay!!!
   Keep on being Awesome,

Friday, July 7, 2017

Life Update 7.7.17

This week was relatively calm and nice. Saturday, I spent most of the day at home enjoying myself, and then I went to work for a few hours and came home earlier than normal. Sunday, we went to church, then went out to lunch, went over to the new house where mom and I cleaned some windows and dad installed a couple of new outlets and switches for ceiling fan/lights. Then we went back to church and had ice cream after to celebrate my mom's birthday/ Zach's birthday (a boy at our church). Then we came home and relaxed.
   Monday was actually mom's birthday, and I already had gotten her present so I don't have to worry about that one lol.We went out to Red Lobster for dinner before going to Home Depot for some stuff.
 Tuesday which was Independence Day in the US, and we went over to the house and got some of the painting done.
  Wednesday, because of all the work I did on Tuesday, I let myself sleep in until 11. Then I started a vlog, and shortly thereafter went to work to pick up my paycheck, deposited it into the bank, and then sat in the parking lot at work for a little while before going in. After work, I went and put gas in my car, and then came home to spend some time with my puppies because Heaven knows they need time with their mama. While I was spending time with them, I got caught up on my YouTube videos and did some writing. (Which we all know I don't do enough of these days.)
  Yesterday, I went to church in the morning, then went to my Psychiatric appointment, and later went to work.
  Today we are at the new house painting and getting things ready in my new room so I can start packing more and bringing more stuff in. Which is great because I still have a LOT to pack, and I mean a LOT.

  Keep on Being Awesome,

Monday, July 3, 2017

Lucy Update

First of all, Sorry that I have failed to update you on Lucy in about two weeks. But I have been a little busy these passed couple weeks with moving and getting things packed up to move. *sigh* It's a long and tedious process.
  Also, there hasn't actually been a lot of time to write because of said packing and moving so I haven't gotten very far in either Lucy or any other writing. *smh*
  It's honestly really annoying and I really want to take more time to sit and write which I intend to start doing soon.

  Thanks for your Patience,
